Sunday, April 26, 2009

The State of Our National Lingo

I met a bunch of 13 year Malaysian kids of Chinese origin last evening.. What interest me was not their clothes, not their raging hormones either.. but rather their inability to communicate in our National Language.. All they needed to translate was B-13-10.. from their mother tongue to our National Language and they had a good 10 seconds discussion before they translated it correctly..  

Hhhhmm that scenario could have been by chance.. could have been because they were engulfed with excitement.. but the question is.. even in the chinese medium school Bahasa Malaysia is taught and students are required to master it.. 7 years or more and still we are struggling... it dawned upon me at that point, why the ATMAH Kids find it difficult as well..  

I could be wrong.. but the pathetic state of affairs prevails.. the question remains.. if the Education System is ever going to change.. if vernacular schools are going to continue producing equal or more amounts of drop outs as to 18As in SPM.  

What can we do differently.. i ask.. and am still asking..  

disturbed by the incident  

Friday, April 24, 2009

Teacher gets custody of children who were converted by hubby

I am certain all of us have read this in today's STAR..

Whilst many see little successes with the verdict.. my question is genuinely the welfare and social lives of these kids forward.. We might be deluded into thinking that the nightmare just ended.. but has it.. In my view, the nightmare is yet to end.. it has just begun for the children.. from today onwards these kids will have to live through this nightmare at every occassion of their lives.. it will be the topic of discussion.. the psychological impact is another story..

I sit in my little living room wondering, who are we to create such impact on anyone.. any children.. who are we to decide on a child's life.. i am at crossroads.. at one end.. i believe everything happens for a reason.. then on the other hand.. i see something like this and am so itched to do something.. then of course i have another school of thought that thinks it is karma.. whichever the case maybe.. the kids are the ones who are going to face everyday today onwards..

I pray for strength and sanity for them..

wise or otherwise

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Nudged One Step Closer to Over the Hill

For the mature adult.. you may continue to read this..

About month ago, I turned wiser.. nudged one step closer to over the hill.. it feels weird.. feels only like yesterday when I started going to school.. such is life.. but for me

Realisation hit home when I:-
  • need to shop for clothes that don’t expose too much
  • was bursting through the seams of my clothes
  • noted the silver lining is already a permanent feature on my head
  • can’t party through the night without waking up with a hangover
  • witnessed what’s to point forward, now points south

Realisation hit home too when I:
  • became more reflective than reactive
  • stop fretting over little things
  • let other’s take the lead / win
  • enjoy spending time with I, me and myself,
  • accept people for who they are

It is not so bad after all, nudging one step closer to over the hill.. infact, I am looking forward for the roller coaster life for sure..

wise or otherwise you decide..