For the mature adult.. you may continue to read this..
About month ago, I turned wiser.. nudged one step closer to over the hill.. it feels weird.. feels only like yesterday when I started going to school.. such is life.. but for me
Realisation hit home when I:-
- need to shop for clothes that don’t expose too much
- was bursting through the seams of my clothes
- noted the silver lining is already a permanent feature on my head
- can’t party through the night without waking up with a hangover
- witnessed what’s to point forward, now points south
Realisation hit home too when I:
- became more reflective than reactive
- stop fretting over little things
- let other’s take the lead / win
- enjoy spending time with I, me and myself,
- accept people for who they are
It is not so bad after all, nudging one step closer to over the hill.. infact, I am looking forward for the roller coaster life for sure..
wise or otherwise you decide..
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