Monday, December 3, 2007

Are Malaysian Indians Not Malaysians???

Since the peaceful rally.. I have received a barrage of emails and sms’... it is the topic of the day at every starbucks meeting, coffee shops, family gathering and even at the office.. It is the topic of conversation..

My first question - Are Malaysian Indians not Malaysians.. isn’t this a Malaysian problem... Why is the said society marginalised?? Have there been no representation of this said society?? What happened the past 50 years??

I know for a fact that most of us Malaysian of Indian origin contribute greatly to the Malaysian Economy.. we were born here.. Many of us from the middle class grew up and was schooled here in Malaysia.. Such why are now categorised as Malaysian Indians.. Why Not A Malaysian?? Is this not the soil we were born in??

I am appalled by the discussions and views aired out by some of the lawmakers of this country.. The very fact that we do not accept that Malaysian Indian issues are a Malaysian problem is evident to show that we are not Bangsa Malaysia...

My perspective - Malaysia has failed to create Bangsa Malaysia..

Just a thot..


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