Divorces are on the rise.. and you wonder why.. why is co-existing so difficult.. why is it that men and women date for years and a year after marrying the loves of their lives - decide to part ways.. Would this be expectation or is it just that our tolerant level has gone to the dogs..
Such i am moved to believe that marriages during our parents time was like wine and marriages today have become yogurt or soured milk... The mega million question remains, what happened with this generation?
Well moving up the ladder a bit to our neighbours.. how many of us know our neighbours.. bet most of us rather the privacy than some ‘busy-body’ neighbour.. the comradeship that the previous generation had is lost.. even in schools its apparent that the relationships between children of different races is non-existent..

Moving one notch higher to our country.. the state seems to be the same.. soured relationships everywhere.. This continues.. between countries too.. its so apparent that we ally with those who are of the same kind.. for this level of patriotism to our own kind, why cant it be towards humanity.. don’t we all have ruby red coloured blood running through our veins.. or am i deluded??
Just a thought...
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