Thursday, December 13, 2007

Relationship - Wine or Yogurt??

Relationships.. its up to the respective individuals to decide whether they want their respective relationships to age like vintage wine or curdle like sour yogurt..

Divorces are on the rise.. and you wonder why.. why is co-existing so difficult.. why is it that men and women date for years and a year after marrying the loves of their lives - decide to part ways.. Would this be expectation or is it just that our tolerant level has gone to the dogs..

Such i am moved to believe that marriages during our parents time was like wine and marriages today have become yogurt or s
oured milk... The mega million question remains, what happened with this generation?

Well moving up the ladder a bit to our neighbours.. how many of us know our neighbours.. bet most of us rather the privacy than some ‘busy-body’ neighbour.. the comradeship that the previous generation had is lost.. even in schools its apparent that the relationships between children of different races is non-existent..

Moving one notch higher to our country.. the state seems to be the same.. soured relationships everywhere.. This continues.. between countries too.. its so apparent that we ally with those who are of the same kind.. for this level of patriotism to our own kind, why cant it be towards humanity.. don’t we all have ruby red coloured blood running through our veins.. or am i deluded??

Just a thought...


Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Command of the English Language

For the first time i was at awe when i watched Koffee with Karan last night.. the command of English made me wonder.. these are stars who actually have a good command of the language.. now coming back across the indian ocean to examine our Malaysian stars and their command of the English Language.. well, i think best for me to stop and not venture further.. a handful have excellent command of the language but the rest its at an appalling state..

Let's examine the subtitling instead.. that's gone to the dogs as well.. i wonder if at any point there is quality checks.. half the time the subtitling does not co-relate.. someone told me once.. they only take rejects to do subtitling.. the state of the english language is rotting and we continue to believe that we will be able to build a nation like japan..

Once when i met thisgentleman, he related.. why cant we follow the Japanese.. Has anyone even done a stock take of what we have and how hard they worked to get to where they are.. Are we Malaysians willing to work that hard.. let's ask the majority first.. I believe that what the country is reaping is from a small percentage of people who are willing to work their ass off.. whilst the majority prefer the verbal diarrohea and inaction..

just a thot

Monday, December 3, 2007

Are Malaysian Indians Not Malaysians???

Since the peaceful rally.. I have received a barrage of emails and sms’... it is the topic of the day at every starbucks meeting, coffee shops, family gathering and even at the office.. It is the topic of conversation..

My first question - Are Malaysian Indians not Malaysians.. isn’t this a Malaysian problem... Why is the said society marginalised?? Have there been no representation of this said society?? What happened the past 50 years??

I know for a fact that most of us Malaysian of Indian origin contribute greatly to the Malaysian Economy.. we were born here.. Many of us from the middle class grew up and was schooled here in Malaysia.. Such why are now categorised as Malaysian Indians.. Why Not A Malaysian?? Is this not the soil we were born in??

I am appalled by the discussions and views aired out by some of the lawmakers of this country.. The very fact that we do not accept that Malaysian Indian issues are a Malaysian problem is evident to show that we are not Bangsa Malaysia...

My perspective - Malaysia has failed to create Bangsa Malaysia..

Just a thot..


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Two Sides Of A Coin

In the wake of the Rally recently.. there is always two sides to everything.. and sometimes even more..

Starting with my personal views.. enough is enough of being suppressed with emotions and feelings for 50 years.. but then again.. are we really taking all the opportunities out there.. i wonder.. I was one of those who decided to stay home and be updated about the rally via technology readily available.. does that mean i dont support them.. not really.. i am neutral about the plights highlighted..

Sometimes, somethings are blown out of proportion.. everyone is a party to the wake of Indians at this rally dont you think??

The government.. in ensuring certain policies continues to support their 'likes'.. they incentives, the quota system.. the cronyism..

My question remains.. the rich get richer and the poor poorer.. so who is to be blamed, i wonder.. My fellow indians, cry foul the loudest someone told me a couple of years ago.. perhaps its true.. but what is the point if you make noise and no one's heard you..

For once, i saw the indians holding hands and marching at the peaceful rally.. for once we saw them working hand in hand.. for once we noticed that there was a good mix from all classes.. for once we noted that their personal luxuries was put aside to join for a common goal.. to be heard.. and i think heard they were..

The Kenyan proverb states.. STICKS IN A BUNDLE ARE UNBREAKABLE..

Unite we must to uplift the Indian community..

just a thot...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Matter of Perspective..

All through my being raised in the Indian community, i am cautioned about what other people would think.. it was a mantra we needed to remember..

Many many years down thereafter.. with a renewed view that is somewhat slanted.. i now note that it is all matter of perspective.. what is right and what is wrong is all matter of perspective..

Just when i thought it was safe to pledge the thought.. another incident takes place and i am right smack in the middle of it..

So here i am ranting about it... and making a huge U-turn to revisit the slanted views i have..

So tell me if people think you are slightly on the darker shade of brown and you think you are on the more neutral shade of brown... does that make you darker shade of brown or otherwise.. If you do not like apple pie and go out for desserts with a group of friends.. would it be fair to ensure that all your friends don’t have them too.. or better still.. your friends force you to have the much despised apple pie..

It sounds a little silly asking someone to see and understand things from our perspective.. such what another thinks its their perspective and does not necessarily need to be yours..

Such, let's accept and respect their thoughts and get a move on it..

Just a thot...


Tuesday, November 20, 2007


my thoughts to reinvent myself continues.. with the beginning of this blog.. whether i am seing from your point of view of mine... the fact remains that it is my perspective and nobody is right or wrong..

Opportunities comes and goes.. The truth of the matter is not whether it came or went.. but whether we used it to our fullest potential..

just a thot..