Monday, December 1, 2008


i read in an article today that Tirupathi will not be issuing VIP passes in January.. This is to give the common devotees more time for darshan at the temple.. it rekindled my memory of my trip there and the letter i wrote to them which of course met no reply..

below is an extract of the letter i wrote to them..


With reference to the above, I would like to officially record my feedback on the recent turn of events during my visit there. My name is Komathi Dhena Doraisamy. I am an Indian from Malaysia, though in Malaysia we are known as Malaysians of Indian origin. I am proud Hindu. I am proud of my heritage and am intrigued by the spirituality India beckons to the rest of the world.

My experience in Thirupathi Devasthanam was anything but that. I have in previous trips visited many other temples in other Indian states but my experiences here was far from being divine altogether.

It all started when I arrived at Tirupathi. My first experience there was with a local ticketing officer. Not only was he obnoxious, but he was chauvinistic as well. He insulted us for not comprehending the complex Indian Transport system but also demeaned me, as a woman who shared her voice in the banter.

Then when we got to the temple grounds, we checked with a couple of authorities, police included and nobody had any clue how we are able to get admission into the temple. Then one kind soul told us to look for the District Officer who lived in the temple compounds as well. Tired from the trip from Madras and dreading the travels the next 3 days, we walked to his house and waited until 7am.

But the entire wait was a waste, as again, we were faced another boorish man, who made us feel that Non-Resident Indians (NRI) were traitors to the motherland. He disregarded our request and at no point offered any solution. He spoke to us for not less than 2 minutes and then scooted off muttering in Telugu that we NRIs do not need to visit India as we absconded from India previously. That was the second blow.

Then we walked back to the supposed ticketing counter that provides tickets for NRIs if we showed our passports as proof. We waited until 10am for the counter to open and battled through locals who were also waiting in the same line and finally, we were on our way to get the blessings of balaji..

Upon arrival at the front door of the devasthanam, I noted that each one person had 3 seconds in front of the deity.. as I walked closer, I said a little prayer.. that if God is all pervading.. and eases the route for success for us then this must be the test of time and patience... But then again, these systems, processes, rules and regulations are put in place to assist us mortal beings to be more efficient but instead the case is otherwise at the devasthanam?

As I was nearing the moolasthanam.. I closed my eyes to pray, only for my prayer to be rudely interuppted by this man who shouted at me and manhandled me like i was a piece of meat.. all because i closed my eye in prayer.. Interesting, after all that i had been through that day, here i am in silent prayer and even then, the treacherous dogmatic processes come into play.. My perception of India changed that day. The place that I hold so dear and close to my heart crumbles right in front of me due to systems and processes put in place by human to supposedly make themselves efficient but by default more inefficient.

It is true what the elder say.. when the systems, processes, rules and regulations were made.. the persons behind it had the best interest in place.. but by the time the entire thing cascades down to execution something else takes shape..

I have a couple of questions for the Management of Tirupathi Devasthanam:

  1. Are NRIs coming to India not additing to your tourist revenue? If yes, why are they not respected and treated well? Is this not the Hindu culture?
  2. If rules and regulations are made for man to be more effective and efficient, why are they not the case at the devasthanam?
  3. Are the civil servants not trained to handle tourists / NRIs?
    Is the oldest brand (Hinduism) creating a platform for suicide?

I strongly believe, that today India is the second Super Power in the world amongst other things.. but it will not be there if they continue to have grand plans but weak in the implementation or execution front..

I hope that this email of mine will get the right attention and receive a reply from the respective parties and of course I hope that this letter will see the beginning of the exodus of change in the devasthanam's processes and procedures.

never got a reply to this.. WISE or OTHERWISE.. now i wonder...

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Lately, there are too many rumblings in Malaysia... to name such rumblings the past couple of weeks..

1. Yoga – Fatwa or Not to Fatwa

2. Malaysian Economic Situation – Affected or Not Affected

Firstly, Yoga - to fatwa or not to fatwa.. i cant't even type this without having a smile on my face.. now seriously, what is a form of exercise going to do to my fellow friends.. but then again.. most practising it are doing it as a form of exercise.. as such, why do some clergymen decide to make it 'haram'.. ooooppsss release a fatwa on it i mean... WISE or OTHERWISE

Secondly, the Malaysian Economic Situation - affected or not affected.. the whole world is going through a financial crisis.. Singapore our friendly (not-so) neighbour has declared the economic slow down.. but in Malaysia.. we are otherwise.. infact we are encouraged to spend.. we are encouraged to reduce our EPF (Employee Provident Fund) contribution from 11% to 8% to assist us in spending more.. We have the ‘Malaysia Saving Sales’.. please tell me I am wrong.. How can you save and encourage people to buy at the same time.. are they not two different end of the stick.. if this was their strategy - WISE or OTHERWISE, if it was their rationale WISE or OTHERWISE.. or if it was the command of English WISE or OTHERWISE..

On to my very own backyard.. what would you do when someone seeks your assistance on a issue they have at hand.. you help them.. you go through options of solutions and zero down on the best solution. Then what if they don’t follow the solution and still complain about it… you seek clarification.. and guess what?? they actually tell you that don’t have to follow the solution provided.. such my dear respected colleague.. are you WISE or OTHERWISE???

Everything is a matter of perspective.. WISE or OTHERWISE is just the same.. but today this has given me an an avenue to write in my blog.. so am I WISE or OTHERWISE..

Just a thot


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


For the heck of it.. I decided to graze ‘grass’ and test my endurance level.. 2 months past and I seem to be holding up pretty well with exception of some moments when I see seafood and salivate.

During these two treacherous months (for my friends, that is), people around me have been so accommodating and that was a pleasant surprise.. this includes my holiday at Perhentian when my friends (Julie, Nigel, Gwen and Celeste) ensured that I had food everywhere we went.. Spanning my circle further to my business trip to Penang.. my colleagues (Joe and Carole) also ensured that I had sufficient grass to graze on.. My other buddies (ATMAH Angels, etc), have been very supportive of my feat as well..

But the most supportive of all is my better half… the carnivorous man he is.. has patiently sat through many painful (for him) nights for dinner with me at our favourite haunts and not said a word about not having meat at our meals..

Now enough that my friends have to endure my non-meat eating feat, they also have to endure my non-alcohol drinking principle as well..

But my darling pals, I have to say.. I am unsure if I am feeling healthier due to my grass intake or more work mode.. but it sure is a change.. and it feels even better when your clothes fit better and you are 10 lbs lighter..

So friends.. thank you for being there.. I am yet to decide how long this will be.. for the moment I am still contented with grass and coke..

Love you all

Monday, September 15, 2008


Last week, despite me writing very clearly declining a fantastic offer of reciting some phrases in public.. I had calls from the organisers completely disregarding my email and assuming I am still interested to recite for them..

My issue was not being able to tell them to take a hike.. I was mincing my words.. but not really.. I wrote in my very first line.. “Thank you for the fantastic offer, however I will have to decline this time around as I am kind of tied up with….” Tell me that was not clear enough.. I wonder now.. from how I look at it.. that is super duper clear that I am unable to make it right..

So here I am.. calling a close friend to huff and puff about the scenario.. and he literally slapped me (with words of course) He said.. you should just tell them as it is and so it is or will be..

At that point of time I realised that I was actually still being nice.. I was not to being so forthcoming.. even though amongst friends I am quite forth right..

So the story continues.. now back to the story.. I actually told them.. sorry no can do.. and the person on the other line did not sound apologetic that she assumed otherwise.. but rather irritated that I was turning down the offer..

Hhmmm serves me right for still trying to be nice… That day I decided that I shall SAY IT.. AS IT IS...

just a thot.

Sunday, August 24, 2008


Enlightened NOT.. Empowered YES.. 7 days after the Nithyananda Spurana Program and I feel like its been a lifetime of practising it.. As I sit down to write this, I sense energy travel from my tail bone, up my spine through my third eye out my crown chakra..

I seeked and I found.. My exposure to religion was very much going to temple and of course the all time favourite Amar Chitra Katha series.. I used to spend hours reading them.. My first exposure to discourses provided by Guru’s to their disciples was in these books too.. the relationship between a Guru and his disciple intrigued me very much.. never understood it.. but sure was curious..

Last weekend, at Berjaya Hills Resort I experienced it.. the 4 days program put many things in perspective for me.. whilst, many might argue that it’s all relative.. Here, I am sharing my experience..

I have read books that spoke about the 7 energy layers (this is besides the 7 chakras) in a human body but no book could explain to me in simple terms without me having to pore through dictionaries and other reference materials. The 7 energy layers namely physical, pranic, mental, etheric, causal, cosmic and nirvanic – are the layers that a soul has to part from when a person passes on.

My privileged self not only spent the 4 days with
Paramahamsa Nithyananda but had an opportunity to explore within with questions that bugged me most.. Why am I unhappy despite all the material successes? How can I achieve emotional balance? What is my true purpose in life? Am I more than just flesh and bones? What is beyond life and death?

No words can describe what I experienced.. but I do know that I am here for a purpose and I am ready to fulfill that.. One thing was clear when I left the hills, Bliss was within reach.. it’s within not without..

In bliss,

Saturday, August 2, 2008


I see light.. I see light at the end of the tunnel..

The current political scene or scheme makes me want to puke.. I see light then i come to a mirage.. I see light again then I am gain cheated with a mirage.. thus i shut my eyes and decide to see with my heart.. and now I am blinded.. I am blinded by the selfish and greedy politicians around us..

Moving further into my own life.. I realised 2 weeks ago that I am a control freak.. So what does this mirror for me.. Many things.. one of it is the fact that I always want to be in the driver's seat.. hhhmm.. i think i like the attention i get when i am in the driver's seat..

After having thought through for almost 2 weeks.. i have come to an understanding that i am a control freak.. i accept that.. and now am willing to learn how to be a good follower i.e. keep my mouth shut and listen..

At the end of the day, be it politicians, be it our mothers, fathers, colleagues, bosses, teachers actually almost everyone.. we want to be in control of our lives.. it's difficult to let go i can vouch for that.. but we have to start somewhere..

just a thot..


Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Am back after very long silence.. not that I have stopped having opinions.. but rather just caught up with JUST LIVING..

I am a disgruntled road user just as per many of my friends and foe.. i have been stuck in ridiculous traffic for no apparent reason.. thanks to the government for caring for our security.. but then again… it sure seem to me like a scaring tactic put forth to instil fear and uncertainty amongst us citizens.

Since March 8, we have been uncertain and that’s a fact!!! Coming to think of it, uncertainty has loomed our lives since time immemorial.. There is a small percentage of uncertainty that peeks in almost anything we can think of.. there is no certainty in what we did yesterday, just now or even miliseconds ago.. its all relative..
Such, we can conclude that at the point of uncertainty.. HOPE steps in..

Just a thot,

Friday, March 14, 2008

Challenges, Challenges, Challenges..

We face challenges everyday.. The test for us beings on earth, is how we proact or react.. The way respond or correspond may make or break us..

Post Elections.. The recent turn of events is a going to prove to be an uphill challenge for many.. for the ruling government to exercise lesser power will be a challenge.. for the opposition to work in a team of diverse people might prove to be a challenge as well.. The Malaysian government agencies will need to acclimatize to new policies and procedures.. Agencies and organisations working with the government on local and federal projects will be affected as well.. We, the rakyat will be affected in one way or the other.. We must have to brave the stormy weathers to emerge as winners..

Moving beyond elections.. to me.. i am challenged too.. i started a new job.. from a field of familiarity to a field of unfamiliarity.. the only thing that rings in my ear.. is a quote that caught my attention 15 years ago..

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. ~ Alvin Toffler

I know its going to be an uphill task for me to move forward.. so what.. life is a roller coaster ride for many.. and so it is.. with God’s love and guidance anything is possible..


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Perseverance.. My Lesson Learnt At Taman Negara

It was yet another interesting weekend with the ATMAH Project team.. a group of people from diverse backgrounds converge together towards one goal.. this time around it was camping in Taman Negara..

Through the rough terrains.. I persevered
With my bad back.. I persevered..
With my monkey mind telling me stop.. I persevered..
With my blistered feet.. I persevered..
And yes.. I finally did attain my goals.. I conquered the better parts of Taman Negara..

For fellow current and ex-zubedyans.. it felt good to be committed with action and savour the results.. many would have admired the spectacular view from the top.. but for me.. the exhilaration of completing the journey was spectacular enough..

There was one song that came to mind at that point..

I am on top of the world looking
Down on creation and the only explanation that I found..
Its the love that i have ever since you been around..
Your love puts me at the top of the world..

I felt like I was enveloped by the arms of the Universe.. it was a wonderful feeling.. the spirits were high though tired and I learnt many lessons that night.. thank you my darling pals for walking with me through this lesson and showing me another side of you..

  • Susie for that smile that never wears off your face even in the most awkward moments
  • Kana for the love and care you have for all of us.. you just have so much to give
  • Vicky for your determination and wit that kept many of us going..
  • Leena for your sense and sensibility..
  • Revathy for your charm that got many tickled in their toes
  • Kathir for your confidence
  • Vela for us the other side of you that no one ever knew existed..
  • Shantakumar for that brave front you put at most times..
  • Renga the knight in shining armour.. need I say more..
  • Liza the patience you had with many of us through our cooking sessions
  • Kumar for ensuring we all took the final step together..
Lastly, in the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins -- not through strength but by perseverance ~Jackson Browne

Love you all..

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Say It And Mean It

Growing up in a small town away from the city.. deprives you of many things and yet protects you from some things.. let it be good or bad..

Growing up in a small town, Valentine's Day was just another day passing.. but i was not spared of it.. i was 14 when i received my first stalk of rose from this boy i had this huge crush on.. hahaha.. melted my heart..

Interesting that when at a time when you are digitally divided from the rest of the world and you have no clue what Valentine's is but you are nevertheless engulfed and immersed by the attention and charm surrounding it.. nothing happened with that boy after that.. but Valentine's sure did follow me like a shadow through my growing years

Year after year i am reminded by it.. with the media hype which bridges the digital divide... you are not only bombarded from every nook you turn too but receive a barrage of sniding comments if you are not for it..
Many have become so centred to this day that we forget that everyday is a celebration.. why wait for February 14 to express how you feel to your loved ones.. yet its funny how we forget to say little things like I'm Sorry, Thank You, Take Care and I Love You to people who matter most to us.. So what would one day of over priced flowers do? I wonder..

My thoughts on this is.. let's cut the hype surrounding Valentine's and make everyday Valentines.. appreciate your loved ones.. love them like there is no tomorrow.. say it and mean it..

To all my loved ones.. i love you much much..

just a thot..

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Relationships Are A Mirror Of You

I woke up this morning feeling guilty for not keeping up to my promise of weekly update on my blog..

I realized that all my disappointments are linked to my expectations.. and these expectations are entwined to my relationships either with myself or the people around me whether its loved ones or those i just met..

The past couple of days has been a roller coaster ride at work.. I am not only learning new things about people but also about myself..

The pas week made me more mindful of;

My annoyance with those who claimed who knew everything..

My displeasure with services rendered..
My irritation when someone is late..
My temper with common sense that isn’t so common anyway..

My disappointments when my expectations felt short…

And the list goes on..

Engulfed with guilt, I aim to finish at least one posting today.. but the universe had another lesson in store.. and this is my contemplation for the week

The people we are in relationship with are always a mirror, reflecting our own beliefs, and simultaneously we are mirrors reflecting their beliefs. So relationship is one of the most powerful tools for growth... if we look honestly at our relationships we can see so much about how we have created them.

~ Shakti Gawain

Such, my contemplation this week is all about learning from our relationships…

Just a thot..
p.s. May you emulate the coming year by being creative and resourceful to achieve your goals in life.. Gong Xi Fa Cai..

Monday, January 14, 2008

That Which Begins Must Come To An End..

Everything that Begins Must Come to An End I am told.. Such, i examine this statement further..

Birth and Death is inevitable.. the only thing that is constant in this ever changing life on earth.. Such the life we live is a temporary platform for bigger and better things i would like to think.. So if birth is at one end of the spectrum and death on the other.. life seems to be the only thing we have a choice about..

But then again.. how many of us live life putting everyone and everything else before us.. and then regret every moment spent doing it.. i happen to be one of them.. the people pleaser.. i am a work in progress.. am learning my lesson.. its hard but necessary..

The next question is why do we have to live our life to the fullest.. my take again, i want my obituary to read.. "the woman who lived life to the fullest".. so this day forward.. i am throwing caution to the wind and want to live my life 'sensibly' dangerous..

And to friends who coloured my life.. who got onto the bus of life with me and had to get off at some point.. i thank you from the bottom of my heart for having taught me valuable lessons.. And for those who are still in my circle of love.. thank you much for adding the drama in my life..

Love you all..

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2007.. A stock take..

It was great year.. many lessons learnt and...

now moving on to 2008.. more resolutions, hopes and dreams.. Looking forward from the positive twist of 2007, i am looking forward for this year to be much more fruitful..

I want to contribute to:
1. Empowering the citizens of Earth..
2. Preserving Extinct Animals..
3. Enhancing the Quality of Air around us..
4. Uplifting My Soul..
5. Connecting to the Universe...

These might seem like a tall order.. but nothing can be achieved without us taking the first step.. such i am taking my first step towards my goals..
Initiating the change...