Sunday, August 24, 2008


Enlightened NOT.. Empowered YES.. 7 days after the Nithyananda Spurana Program and I feel like its been a lifetime of practising it.. As I sit down to write this, I sense energy travel from my tail bone, up my spine through my third eye out my crown chakra..

I seeked and I found.. My exposure to religion was very much going to temple and of course the all time favourite Amar Chitra Katha series.. I used to spend hours reading them.. My first exposure to discourses provided by Guru’s to their disciples was in these books too.. the relationship between a Guru and his disciple intrigued me very much.. never understood it.. but sure was curious..

Last weekend, at Berjaya Hills Resort I experienced it.. the 4 days program put many things in perspective for me.. whilst, many might argue that it’s all relative.. Here, I am sharing my experience..

I have read books that spoke about the 7 energy layers (this is besides the 7 chakras) in a human body but no book could explain to me in simple terms without me having to pore through dictionaries and other reference materials. The 7 energy layers namely physical, pranic, mental, etheric, causal, cosmic and nirvanic – are the layers that a soul has to part from when a person passes on.

My privileged self not only spent the 4 days with
Paramahamsa Nithyananda but had an opportunity to explore within with questions that bugged me most.. Why am I unhappy despite all the material successes? How can I achieve emotional balance? What is my true purpose in life? Am I more than just flesh and bones? What is beyond life and death?

No words can describe what I experienced.. but I do know that I am here for a purpose and I am ready to fulfill that.. One thing was clear when I left the hills, Bliss was within reach.. it’s within not without..

In bliss,

Saturday, August 2, 2008


I see light.. I see light at the end of the tunnel..

The current political scene or scheme makes me want to puke.. I see light then i come to a mirage.. I see light again then I am gain cheated with a mirage.. thus i shut my eyes and decide to see with my heart.. and now I am blinded.. I am blinded by the selfish and greedy politicians around us..

Moving further into my own life.. I realised 2 weeks ago that I am a control freak.. So what does this mirror for me.. Many things.. one of it is the fact that I always want to be in the driver's seat.. hhhmm.. i think i like the attention i get when i am in the driver's seat..

After having thought through for almost 2 weeks.. i have come to an understanding that i am a control freak.. i accept that.. and now am willing to learn how to be a good follower i.e. keep my mouth shut and listen..

At the end of the day, be it politicians, be it our mothers, fathers, colleagues, bosses, teachers actually almost everyone.. we want to be in control of our lives.. it's difficult to let go i can vouch for that.. but we have to start somewhere..

just a thot..
