Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Paul the Octopus

Germany exited WC2010 in an exciting match early this morning (in my part of the world)... And yes, there were so many predictions.. I am told, it was suppose to be quite a match with the German team having the most goals as opposed to Spain team attempting the most ‘attacks’.. 

And then comes the existence of Paul the Octopus.. a German resident with his amazing capabilities, predicted that Spain will win the match.. Oh! By the way, I didn’t know of Paul’s existence until last week.. I hear he predicted with precision 10 out of 11 matches.. 

Now this is where the question starts – Did the prediction
1. Cast a doubt on the German team
2. Give a boost to the Spanish team and
3. Confuse a whole load of punters 

So now, if the Universe hears you and knows that without a doubt the team is going to win.. the Universe will grant you that, right?.. I hear that the German team did not play as well as they did in some of their other matches.. so, did they lose the battle in their mind before heading for the war? I wonder.. 

As for the Spaniards, I have nothing much to say but my nephew Gajendra Jeyakumar supports them.. and it is his birthday wish they win (its his birthday today).. Low and behold - they won.. perhaps they won the battle in their minds before heading for the war.. :)

At the end of the day, one thing World Cup brings to this world every 4 years - the celebration of humanity.. and that’s admirable.. 

my two cents, 

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